Reddit Offers Stronger Brand-Safety Controls with Tiered Ad Inventory

  • Social discussion platform Reddit today is introducing inventory types for its advertisement offering, per an article. The feature is the very first marketing application of “contextual intelligence” from Oracle Data Cloud, including another layer of third-party filtering, per the post.
  • The stock types providing consists of “minimal inventory” with Reddit’s brand safety procedures and a regulated reach. “Expanded inventory” reaches a bigger user base and as lots of as 20% more communities for targeting while still satisfying Reddit’s content requirements, while “standard stock” balances reach and brand name protection.
  • The new function gives marketers 3 tiers of advertising stock based on their brand-safety requirements, project goals, and targeting goals, per the post.

Reddit’s rollout of three classifications for advertisement inventory marks its most current effort to enhance the brand-safety controls on its platform, which has its roots as a free-speech online forum started in 2005. With the execution of Oracle’s contextual intelligence, Reddit aims to make its platform more secure for brands while also respecting user demands for open conversations about a range of topics.

Reddit’s crucial advantage among social platforms is contextual-based advertising that reaches groups of enthusiasts with the greatest propensity to purchase products and services connected to their interests. However, it’s also easy to understand that marketers wish to avoid putting advertisements in discussion online forums that are controversial or arouse negative sentiment that might be related to a brand.

The offering comes as online marketers grow more aware of brand-safety problems with social network platforms that distribute user-generated content (UGC). Marketers have ended up being more active in either voicing their displeasure with the content moderation policies of social networks platforms or boycotting them. In July, hundreds of brand names withdrew their marketing on Facebook, the world’s most significant social media network, in reaction to the “Stop Hate for Revenue” project led by many civil rights groups. The boycott was short-term, however concerns about Facebook’s policies continue to pet the business.

Reddit is among the platforms and firms that are taking steps to enhance brand safety or to offer guidance on finest practices. Comscore and sell-side platform Kargo each just recently launched brand-new tools that help marketers avoid advertising around certain content while still supporting high-quality publishers. WPP’s media agency group GroupM in June released a guide on handling brand security in the middle of the proliferation of dire news about the coronavirus pandemic, social strife, racial injustice, and political squabbles throughout an election year. Those problems have challenged online marketers to embrace the best tone in their advertisement messaging, while also providing their brands in the best possible context.